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Instead of reading this, you can use your time more productively by watching this video. Beginning of the Post The beginning of the post needs to do one of two things: grab the reader's attention or provide necessary background information that will need to be referenced throughout the blog post. Launch Pad: The Launch Pad is the first paragraph you should write for your blog post. It should be written as a narrative, as if you're telling a story to your readers. If this is part of a series like the No Entry Mein Entry article above, then now is an appropriate time to reference that article and hopefully boost its reach.Content: The body of the blog post contains the meat of what will be written. Depending on what you're blogging about, there are various ways of formatting it. For example, if there are quotes from other people or even excerpts from books/movies/etc. then the format will be quite simple. If you're writing about an interesting experience or some political issue, you may want to break it up by using headers/subheaders. The more organized your content is, the easier it will be for people to scan through and get exactly what they came for. Images: Images are important in an article. They draw readers into what you're talking about and can make them more interested in reading/watching your next post. Credit must be given every time an image is used without links; however, links should still be provided when images are embedded into the content (e.g. you can link to a page about a certain topic).Conclusion: The conclusion paragraph acts as a summary of everything you've talked about so far. You can always add in any new information that was introduced in this post. Ask yourself the following questions when writing the conclusion:Transition sentence/paragraph: A transition sentence or paragraph is used to lead into the preview paragraph. Preview Paragraph/List: The preview is where you provide readers with enough incentive to click onto your YouTube channel, website, social media, etc. Post title: The post title should be a question. If it isn't, then the benefits of your blog should be reiterated in the first few words of the post. When writing a blog post, ask yourself: Why would someone want to read this? Is there any reason why I shouldn't just move along and not read this? Also, make sure that you're using good grammar and complete sentences. The end: The end contains the final words you say before leaving the reader to their own devices. cfa1e77820



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